Community College Scheme


Under community college scheme, we are running six month advanced certificate course in power plant chemistry and one year diploma course in Information and Web Technology. Thesyllabus and curriculum of the course is designed by the board of studies (BoS) of concerned specialization which comprises subject experts from the college, representative from partner industries and approved by the board of management (BoM) at college level, which comprises member representative from affiliating university, social activist from the community, member from local NGO and representative from local government bodies. The certifying body for these courses is college and respective partner industries.

Sr. No. Name of the Course NSQF Level Skill Component Credits General Education Credits Total





Awards / Exit Points
1. Power Plant Chemistry 4 18 Cre

270 Hrs

12 Cre

180 Hrs

30 C

450 H

One Semester Advanced Certificate


2. Information and Web Technology 5 36 Cre

540 Hrs



360 Hrs

60 C

900 H

Two Semester Diploma
3. Dairy Product Processing 5 36 Cre

540 Hrs



360 Hrs

60 C

900 H

Two Semester Diploma
Component Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification  
Skill Component Ms. Neha M. Meshram Ass. Professor M. Tech. (IT), SET  
Ms. Pratiksha K. Meshram CHB Lecturer MCA (CS)  
Mr. Manish K. Bawankar Ass. Professor M. Tech. (Food)  
Ms. Sapna R. Meshram CHB Lecturer M.Sc. (Biotech)  
General Component Ms. Sapna Chandbhanani CHB Lecturer M. Sc. (Math)  
Mr. M. G. Katre CHB Lecturer MCA (CS)  
Prof. Santosh V. Hotchandani Assistant Professor MA (English), NET, SET, M.Phil


  • Ultramodern Computer Lab
  • Well Equipped Food Laboratory
  • Training to candidate in unorganized sector
  • Assessment of trainers by govt. recognized sector skill councils
  • Skill Based and Job Oriented Vocational curriculum.
  • Designed curriculum as per the norms of NSQF.
  • Signed MoU with different Partner Industries for curriculum development, Internship-Training, Guest faculties, Assessment, Evaluation and Certification of learners.
  • Training of students at Industry Place.
  • Different Boards for effective governance and monitoring of the course curriculum which comprises the representatives from partner industries, sector skill council, affiliating universities, government and local bodies