Department of Zoology was established in 1969. Course is being offered at UG level in two combinations with Botany, Zoology, Chemistry (CBZ) and Zoology, Chemistry and Microbiology (CZM). The department has continued to promote and upgrade the knowledge of students and teachers.

The Goals of department are:

  1. To boost up the academic performance of the students.
  2. To improve the learning ability of the students.
  3. To initiate the career oriented courses for the students.
  4. To motivate  students towards career in basic science.
  5. To encourage for field study along with classroom learning.
  6. To give more exposure to the students about the competitive world.
Department of Zoology

Zoology subject is available with two combinations for B.Sc Students.

CBZ: Botany, Zoology, Chemistry.

CZM:  Zoology, Chemistry and Microbiology.

PhotoName of FacultyDesignationQualificationContact
Dr. Gadekar GunvantDr Gunwant P. Gadekar
View Profile
Head and Associate ProfessorM.Sc, MA (ELt), B.Ed, P.G Diploma in Nanotechnology,
Dr Sheetal B Juneja-BanerjeeDr. S. B. Juneja
View Profile
Assistant ProfessorM.Sc.,B. Ed, Ph. D,
Bharatbhushan BagheleDr. Bharatbhushan N. BagheleAssistant ProfessorM.Sc, B.Ed,
Dr. Sonal P. VarmaAssistant ProfessorM.Sc,
  1. One spacious laboratory with audio visual aids
  2. Departmental Library
  3. Internet Facility
  4. Museum



  1. Recognized Research Supervisors : Dr G.P. Gadekar
  1. Research Contribution of the Department
  2. Papers in Journals/Full Paper Proceeding


Dr. G. P. Gadekar’s Publication – View Detail List

  1. G.P. Gadekar, A.M. Chilke, V.V. Baile and M. Kamble (2010) Morphometry of the testes and role of acid phosphatase in the reproduction of male, Labeo rohita (Hamilton).The Royal Veterinary Journal of India. 6 (1):11-14.
  2. G.P. Gadekar, A.M. Chilke, V.V. Baile and M. Kamble (2010)Acid phosphatase activity in the ovarian cycle of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). The Royal Veterinary Journal of India. 6 (1):35-38.
  3. G. P. Gadekar and K.P. Ghoshal (2012) Green Synthesis of silver Nanoparticle from Butea monosperma and their antimicrobial activities. Bionano Frontier. 5(2-III): 7-11.
  4. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2013) Development of PGCs in the Indian major carp Labeo rohita (Hamilton). Journal of Science Information. Special Issue-6: 10-15.
  5. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2013) Formation of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCS) in the Labeo rohita (Ham).International Journal of Life Sciences. 1(2): 123-132.
  6. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2013) Ontogenic variation of Alkaline Phosphatase activity in different tissues during the development of Labeo rohita (Ham.). World Journal of Zoology. 8(2): 234-239.
  7. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2013) Seasonal variations in the gonadosomatic index of an Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Ham). International Journal of Life Sciences. 1(4): 303-307.
  8. G. P. Gadekar, K.P. Ghoshal and A.S. Gadwe (2014) Studies on Zooplankton diversity of Pandgi Lake, Gondia, Dist. Gondia, Maharashtra. International Journal of Environmental Biology. 4(1): 47-50.
  9. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2014) Annual cyclic changes in the testicular activity of an Indian fresh water Major carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton).International journal of Research Studies in Biosciences. 2(7): 28-36.
  10. G.P. Gadekar (2014) Seasonal variations in Zooplankton diversity of railway pond, Gondia District Gondia (M.S).International Journal of Life Sciences. Special issue A2: 169-171.
  11. G.P. Gadekar (2014) Zooplankton diversity of Chulod Lake of Gondia District, Maharashtra.International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology. Special issue: 291-296.
  12. G.P. Gadekar and K.P. Ghoshal (2014) Survey of ethnomedicinal anti-diabetic from Deori Taluka of Gondia District (M.S).International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research. 2(5): 26-29.
  13. G.P. Gadekar (2015) Ichthyofaunal diversity of Wainganga River, District Bhandara, Maharashtra, India. European Journal of zoological research. 4(1):19-22.
  14. G.P. Gadekar (2015) Fish diversity of Bagh River, District Gondia, Maharashtra, India.International Journal of Researches in Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology. Special issue- I: 216-219.
  15. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2015) Localization of Acid phosphatase in the different tissue dog developmental stages of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C biological Science.15 (3): 9-14.
  16. G.P. Gadekar and V.V. Baile (2016) Histochemical Localization of Acid Phosphatase in the tissues of Labeo rohita.Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science.Vol 11, Issue 6 Ver.1: 5-12.
  17. G.P. Gadekar (2016) Role of Acid Phosphatase in the reproductive cycle of female Labeo rohita (Ham).World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Science.Vol 2, Issue 6, 173-178.

18.G.P. Gadekar and S.S. Chaurasia (2017) Role of Assessment in Maintenance of Higher Education. ISBN 978-81-934702-0-6. P.No 34-38.

  1. G.P. Gadekar (2018) Effect of Greenhouse Gases of Atmosphere. College Proceeding P.No 26-28.

20.S. B. Bannerjee, M.M.Rai, M.K. Rathod ( 2012) Effect of botanicals on Sitophilusoryzae, on its survival and damage of wheat grain during storage.  BionanoFrontier  .VolV,  286-288, ISSN 0974 – 0678.

  1. . B. Banerjee(2013 ) Use of Botanicals as herbal Cosmetics by the people residing in vicinity of Deori taluka99-104., Proceedings on National Seminar on “The Chemistry of Cosmetics by the people Residing In vicinity of Deori Taluka of Gondia district. ISBN 978-81-922784-2-1.
  2. S. B. Banerjee (2014) Dual Role Of Woman in Modern Era : Problems and Solutions National seminar on New Frontiers of Stress and Its Management .221-223., ISBN 978-81-922784-4-5
  3. Studies on Use of Aeglemarmelos Leaves as Grain Protectant Against Rice Weevils, S. Oryzae(2014) National conference on Novel Synthesis of Advanced Materials. ISBN- 978-93-82962-51-9.
  4. S. B. Juneja (Banerjee) ( 2015). Studies on grain protection strategies adapted in anthropogenic habitat of Gondia district of Maharashtra., 329-342, Gurukul International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN no. 2394 -8426.


  1. Minor Research Projects
Name Project Project Topic Funded Agency Grant Received
Dr G.P. Gadekar Minor Role of Alkaline Phosphatase in the Reproduction of female Labeo rohita UGC 1,00000/-
Dr. S. B. Juneja Minor Studies on growth, reproduction , infestation and management of cereal grain pest, Sitophilussps. UGC 65,000/
  1. Book Publication

Six Books are published by Himalaya Publication House as per the syllabus of RTM Nagpur University Nagpur


  1. Zoological Society
  2. Students Seminars
  3. Zoological Excursion
  4. Wild Life Photo Exhibition
  5. Wild Life week Celebration
  6. Bird Conservation awareness programme.
  7. Provide previous year question papers to students
  1. Beyond Classroom

Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR)& Extension Activities

  1. Environmental awareness programme
  2. Blood Group and Haemoglobin detection programme
  3. Wild life Week celebration
  4. Camp Cleanliness programme
  5. Awareness Rally for STDs
  6. Organize Blood Donation Camps
  7. Distribution of Woollen clothes to poor peoples
  8. Celebration of Diwali at slum areas
  9. Bird and Wildlife Conservation Programme
  10. Provided Blood Donation cards to needy peoples.


Department Gimpse