Sr. No. | English | Sr. No. | Hindi | Sr. No. | Marathi |
01 | The Times of India | 06 | Lokmat Samachar | 11 | Lokmat |
02 | The Indian Express | 07 | Dainik Bhaskar | 12 | Sakal |
03 | Economics Times | 08 | Nav Bharat | 13 | Loksatta |
04 | The Hitavada | 09 | Business standards | 14 | Deshonnati |
05 | The Employment News | 10 | Dainik Kashish | 15 | Tarun Bharat |
16 | Punya Nagari | ||||
17 | Agro One | ||||
18 | Lokshahi Varta | ||||
19 | Lokjan |
Explore more about library

NEWSPAPER (Local and National)
Sr. No. | English | Sr. No. | Hindi | Sr. No. | Marathi |
01 | Electronics for you | 08 | Science Reporter | 19 | Chankya Mandal |
02 | Digit | 09 | Pratiyogita Kiran | 20 | Spardha Pariksha |
03 | Dream | 10 | Pratiyogita Darpan | 21 | Shikshan Sankraman |
04 | Career 360 | 11 | Vigyan Pragati | 22 | Saptahik Sakal |
05 | Competition Success Review | 12 | Computer Suchna Sanchar | ||
06 | Out Look | 13 | India Today | ||
07 | India Today | 14 | Out look | ||
15 | Cricket Samrat | ||||
16 | Gruhshobha | ||||
17 | Arogya Sanjiwani | ||||
18 | Nirogdham |
The library follows Close and Open both the access system. The Open Access is provided to the Post Graduate students, faculty and research scholars while all others close access system is followed.
- Classification :
Books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Every Elmira /Rack is provided with signboards of subjects and classification Numbers. - Cataloguing :
With the advent of computerization, now the catalogue of library collection can be accessed on computers using various options, such as author, title, subject, key word in author or title, search, etc. Touch screen terminal is provided at the entrance of the library to access (OPAC) Open Access Public Catalogue. - Circulation :
All the students (JC, Degree, and PG) are issued I-card/Record book. Degree and PG Students can issue 03 books in a week. The books are issued daily on the specified time. Scholars students and students from economically or rural areas are provided extra books on demand. Students are allowed to keep the books for a period of 7 days and can renew for the next 7 days. - Barcode system :
Bar code system is applied in library far fastening the books transaction services in the library. The bar code label has been pasted on the books.
Non print materials such as CD-ROMs, Floppy Discs, Videos, Audio Cassette etc. are also available at the Library.
- No of CDs (Books) : 417
- No of CDs (Magazine) : 808
- No of Floppy : 28
- Audio Cassettes : 13
- LCD Projector : 02
- Overhead Projector : 01
The library has subscribed the e-resources from Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), Ahmedabad through N-List Programme. The members are provided free access to the e-resources more than 6,000+ e journals and 31,35,000+ e books. The following e-resources are accessible for faculty with a Username and password.
N-List Programme | |
British Council my library | |
e-Shodhsindhu | |
e-Shodhganga | |
DOAJ | |
DOAB | |
All the admitted students, faculty members and the members of the management are the members of the library. Every admitted student is allotted I-Card/Record book for issuing the books from library. They can issue the books for a week and can renew for another week. If the book is not returned within the time a late fee has been recovered from the student.
The library is opened for reference and consultation to all its members. The staff members provide assistance to users in locating information or procuring document of their choice. Members, students, research scholars and faculty members from institution can use the library. The reference books are not issued at home. The paper set and magazines are consulted in reading room only.
The Library provides the free internet service to its users. 08 Computer with 01 printer and 01 scanner is available.
The library provides the service to students for applying various schemes of Government such as scholarship, online application for various exams. The librarian guides the students about the process of online application and making the payment of fees online. Many students are benefitting under this service.
The students are provided with the print of Online Application form & Admit Card free of cost if they required
The Library has subscribed the E-resources from INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad under the project NLIST. Every year the subscription is renewed by paying Rs. 5725/- to INFLIBNET. Training is provided to the student about the use of these resources by the librarian.
The library provides books to the students during the exam period on the deposit. The students deposit the amount of books to the library and the amount is returned to the student while returning the books to library.
Reprographic service is provided by the library on payment basis whenever required by the members. The Paper set, question papers and important notes are provided them by making copies.
The new arrivals are displayed on the Notice board for the information of library members. The advertisement and announcements about the various Competitive, entrance, eligibility and scholarships are displayed on the display board, additional information and assistance is also provided for applying an appearing for the same. The notice, information and advertisement about the job and services are also displayed.
User education is provided to its members about the use of library resources. The training about the use and access of electronic resources is also provides. The students are trained to handling the OPAC. The newly admitted students are provided training about the library and its collection, use and rules and regulations of use.
Open Access Facilities for Textual Documents.
Provision of Separate Reading Rooms for the Students.
Reference Books, Thesis/ Dissertations, Government Publication Journals, Magazine and News papers
Our College Library is a member of various college libraries when some books are not available in the library, the library staff procures from other libraries through IIL(Inter Library Loan) and issues to the borrowers.
- Manoharbhai Patel College of Engineering & Technology, Gondia.
- N. M. D. College, Gondia
- S. S. Girls College, Gondia
Internet Connection :
Internet Browsing Center: The Library is the internet service hub of the college and has 08 systems for accessing the Net – from 10.00 am – 05.00 pm.
Reprographics Facilities (xerox) :
One Toshiba Studio 163, copier machines (Xerox) facilities are available for students to copy the required materials, at a nominal cost.
Suggestions and Complaints :
The library always welcomes useful suggestions from Students, Faculty Members and the Visitors. It is also responsive to all complaints lodged by users about the collections and services.
- Use of Mobile Phone is not allowed in the Library.
- ID card/Record Book is mandatory for using library.
- Silence should maintain strictly in Library and Reading Room.
- Bags not allowed in the Library and stack area.
- Discipline and queue must be maintained in library.
- Read the Library Notice Board time to time for updates.
- Co-operate the library staff for smooth functioning and library services.
- If you have any problem regarding library please contact to librarian.
- Only Admitted students and students with valid reason and valid permission from authority will be allowed to use the library. Outsiders and ex-students without permission are not allowed.
- Misbehavior in the library will be punished or penalized according to the college authority or library membership will be cancelled.
- Eating, spitting sleeping in the library is not allowed it will be treated as misbehavior and will be penalized as per the college authority.
- Handle the Library Book carefully.
- Return the books on due date or renewed otherwise fine will be charged at the time of clearance.
- A student will be provided I-card cum record book.
- I-card not transferable.
- Book will be issued on the valid I-card holder only.
- Valid ID card is compulsory for issuing the books from the library.
- Books will be issued for a week and can renew for further week. If a student does not renew the book or return the book after the due date will charge a late fee Rupees 1/day.
- The student must check the book on issuing if found mutilated or torn pages must inform the library staff on the circulation counter otherwise the borrower will be held responsible for the same.
- If it is found that book is lost or damaged the borrower must replace with a new copy of the Book or have to pay the amount of the Book with the fine as per the college and library authority.
- Student must sign in the Reading Room Entry Register on entering the Reading Room.
- The Periodicals (Journals & magazines) and News paper will not be issued at home they will be available in library reading room only. Taking out the Journals and magazine outside the library is prohibited.
- While taking the book for reading room students must deposit his/her ID card at the Reading Room Counter.
- After reading the periodical (Journal, Magazine, Newspaper) keep it on the proper place or on the reading Room Counter.
- Student must sign in the Internet Section Entry Register on entering the Internet section.
- Students are expected to use the Internet responsibly. Internet access is limited to academic activities only and personal use is not permitted. Academic activities include research and educational tasks.
- Transmitting, copying or downloading any material such as copyrighted material without the permission of copyright holder is prohibited.
- Allowing someone else such as your friend or relatives on your register user ID/ or internet access permission is prohibited.
- All sites and downloads may be monitored and/or blocked by college if they are deemed to be harmful or offensive.
- Attaching any devices such as pen drives, mobiles or any electronic or storage media without permission is prohibited.
- The installation of any software is strictly prohibited.
- Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images on the Internet via college internet service is prohibited.
- Using computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or software, film or music piracy, stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s password without authorization is prohibited.
- Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization is prohibited.
- The college do not accept any responsibility or liability for any matter, issue, claim, action, inaction proceeding, demand, damage, loss, cost, charge or expense which any user may suffer or incur, either directly or indirectly, through the use of this service.
- Internet user will be fully responsible for consequences arising during his session.
- Violation of the above could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination from college. Users may also be held personally liable for damages.