Women’s cell of Dhote Bandhu Science College, Gondia facilitates a welcoming and conducive environment in which students, teaching and non-teaching staff can collaborate without fear of sexual harassment, exploitation, or intimidation. The Cell has both the faculty ( teaching and Non Teaching) and student representatives of the College as its members and works with an aim to create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. It organizesdifferent types of legal, technical, medical, cultural and social events for the upliftment of women and spread the real importance of gender equality in the society through College students.
Aims and Objectives
- To encourage Girl students and female employees to express their grievances freely and fearlessly.
- To make females cognizant about different kinds of violence: sexual, physical and mental and to further equip them with the knowledge and strength to fight against them.
- To instill Positive Self Esteem and Confidence in the Female Students so that they can take the Right decision in their lives.
- To Spread Awareness amongst the students about the social , legal and constitutional rights of women in order to prevent the exploitation based on gender.
- To impart knowledge on health and hygiene.
- To develop various life skills through training.
- To inculcate moral values though discussions and individual counselling.
Enlightening the young minds and pave their way to grow into intellectual, balanced, cultured and globally competent human beings.
Vishaka Committee / Internal Committee / Posh Committee
Dhote Bandhu Science College Gondia values the dignity of every individual, enhance the development of its human resources, guarantee full respect for human rights and uphold the dignity of workers, employees and students. To that purpose , “Zero Tolerance Policy against Sexual Harassment” is followed by the Institution . An Internal Complaints Commitee is constituted under Women Sexual Harassment, grievances and redressal Cell every year . The cell addresses sexual harassment issues related to complaints received from the girl students and female faculty members.
01 | Dr. S.B. Juneja ( Banerjee) | Presiding Officer | 7507119932 | sb107banerjee@gmail.com |
02 | Prof. S. Narde (Dhopte) | Member (Teaching) | 9767966810 | s.narde@yahoo.co.in |
03 | Prof. S. S. Jaiswal | Member (Teaching) | 8087106670 | snehajaiswal1987@gmail.com |
04 | Mrs. C.B. Sonwane | Member (Non-Teaching) | 9975211851 | chhayason0000@gmail.com |
05 | Ms. Meena Katre | Member (Non-Teaching) | 9766223363 | Meenakatre22@gmail.com |
06 | Ms. Mrunal Bhagwat | Member (U.G. St.Rep.) | 9607152158 | mrunalvinabhagwat@gmail.com |
07 | Ms. Prachi Dongre | Member ( P.G. St. Rep.) | 7066811712 | prachidongre31@gmail.com |
08 | Ms. Shital Dekate | Member ( Research Scholar Rep.) | 8668872969 | snimje04@gmail.com |
09 | Mrs. Savita Turkar | Member (NGO), Sec. SEWA. | 9421956289 | savitaturkar@rediffmail.com |
Any complaint received from students will be resolved by the cell after validation of all the facts and the resolution of the cell will be communicated to the complainant , the respondent and the higher authorities.
Please note that the scope of the cell and the complaint form is confined to sexual harassment cases of female students / staff at Dhote Bandhu Science College, Gondia only.
For any assistance required communicate with Dr. S.B. Juneja Banerjee, Presiding Officer, Womens Grievances Redressal Cell, D.B. Sci. College, Gondia (7507119932)
How to lodge complaint?
The cell addressessexual harassment cases of female students / staff of Dhote Bandhu Science College, Gondia only.
The student/ staff of Dhote Bandhu Science College, Gondia can submit complaint related to sexual harassment by different modes.
Online Mode:
Either filling the google form given in the following link. (https://forms.gle/xd5aSDkmQXCG1iqU9)
Email complaint to provided institutional E-mail Id ( iccdbsc@gmail).
Offline Mode:
Submit Hardcopy of complaint to Dr. S. B. Juneja Banerjee, Presiding Officer, ICC, Dept. of Zoology,
- D. B. Science College Gondia.
Some important information regarding Vishakha Protocol instructed by U.G.C. Guidelines
The following is an indicative list of conduct that could be considered as sexual harassment:
- Any unwelcome physical, verbal or non verbal conduct of sexual nature.
- Demand or request for sexual favours;
- Making sexually coloured remarks/ gestures;
- Physical contact and advances;
- Displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, calendars or posters;
- Making or using derogatory comments, comments about a person’s body or dress, slurs, epithets or sexually suggestive jokes;
- Written communications of a sexual nature distributed in hard copy or via a computer network, suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations;
- Physical conduct such as unwanted touching, assault, impeding or blocking movements;
- Being forcibly kissed or hugged;
- Repeatedly staring at a woman’s body parts that makes her uncomfortable;
- Making or threatening retaliation after a negative response to sexual advances or for reporting or threatening to report sexual harassment;
- Sexually tinted remarks, whistling, staring, sexually slanted and obscene jokes, jokes causing or likely to cause awkwardness or embarrassment;
- Subtle innuendos or open taunting regarding perfection, imperfection or characteristics of physical appearance of a person’s body or shape;
14.Gender based insults and/or sexist remarks;
- Displaying pornographic or other sexually offensive or derogatory material;
- Forcible invitations for dates;
- Forcible physical touch or physical assault or molestation;
- Suggesting or implying that failure to accept a request for a date or sexual favours would adversely affect the individual in respect to performance evaluation or promotion.
Key points to remember while drafting the COMPLAINT
- The complaint should be addressed to the ICC through E-Mail or google form / Hand Written .
- The complaint should be brief and easy-to-understand.
- Well-written and presented complaints have a higher level of trustworthiness.
- Details of the specific incident, including date and time, witnesses including important emails, screenshots of SMS/WhatsApp messages, call data, images, recordings, and so on must be attatched with the complaint.
- Details of the respondent including name, designation, reporting structure between complainant and respondent if any (whether subordinate, colleague or superior).
- Do not state any fact that is false or incorrect.
- Before initiating action on a complaint, the ICC will make efforts to settle the matter between the parties through conciliation by bringing about an amicable settlement without any monetary settlement .
- After lodging of complaint of sexual harassment, the first step by ICC to resolve the matter is by conciliating between the parties before commencement of the inquiry proceedings.( Monetary settlement can never be a basis of conciliation) .
- Once the settlement has been arrived at, the ICC records the settlement arrived at and thereafter provide copies of the settlement to the aggrieved woman as well as the respondent.
- Once a settlement has been arrived at, the ICC does not proceed with an inquiry under the POSH Act.
Inquiry Procedure
Step1.Written complaints (6 copies) along with supporting documents and names and addresses of witnesses have to be filed within 3 months of the date of the incident (Timeline extendable by another 3 months) either through online or offline mode.
Step 2. Upon receipt of the complaint, 1 copy of the complaint will be sent to the respondent within 7 days.
Step 3.Upon receipt of the copy of complaint, the respondent is required to reply to the complaint along with a list of supporting documents, and names and addresses of witnesses within 10 working days.
Step 4.The Inquiry will be completed within a total of 90 days from the receipt of the complaint.
Step 5. The Inquiry report will be issued within 10 days from the date of completion of inquiry.
Step 6. The employer is required to act on the recommendations of the IC/LC within 60 days of receipt of the Inquiry report.
Appeal against the decision of the committee is allowed within 90 days from the date of recommendations.