IPR CELL (Intellectual Property Right Cell)

IPR is the product of human intellect including creativity, concepts, inventions, industrial models, trademarks, songs, literature, brand, etc. it is the rights given to a person over the creations of their mind.

IPR cell of the college is constituted in June 2020. The cellaims to provide Intellectual Property Right awareness for teachers, research scholars and students, which will aid in filling patent applications and filling other forms of IPR like trademark, copyright, brand name etc.

S.N. Name DesignationMobile No Email
01Dr. Anjan NaiduPrincipal/Chairman
02Dr. K. P. GhoshalMember/ Co-ordinator8007372306kalpanaghoshal@gmail.com
03Dr. D. S. ChaudharyMember9423414117dschoudhary@dbscience.org
04Dr. A. M. More

IPR-Activity Report 2020-21